Chelvadurai Anjalendran

Archt. Anjalendran C. Obtained a Diploma and a M.Sc. in Architecture at the University College London. He is a member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects and the Royal Institute of British Architects. He has won four SLIA Design Awards and has been a recipient of the Herman Gmeiner Silver Medal in "Appreciation and Thanks" for work executed for SOS Kinderdorf International. He was the winner of the South Asian Architecture Commendation Award for the SOS children's village, Anuradhapura. He has also being a junior in the Kenneth F. Brown Asia Pacific Architecture & Culture Design Award in Hawaii.

Anjalendran was a Teaching Fellow at the Aga Khan Program for Islamic architecture at the Massachusetts institute of Technology, Boston in 1986 and the convenor of Design Workshops in March 1994 and March 2000, and experiencing Architecture and Presentation Drawing Workshops in March 1996 for the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture in Karachi, Pakistan. Anjalendran was the design tutor/year master at the Colombo School of Architecture in 1986-89. He takes credit for the producing the first Arcasia Gold Medalist for Sri Lanka, which bares testimony for his teaching skills. Presently he is the visiting lecture at the Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa. He has ha d the gold fortune of having most of his work published in numerous publications.

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