Henri Saladin

1851 November 22 - 1923 16 December

In 1879 Henri Saladin graduated with a degree in architecture from the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 1882 he was sent to Tunisia to conduct a survey of antiquities for the French Ministry of Public Education. There he also became interested in Islamic architecture, eventually returning to Tunisia to work as an architect. He designed the Post Office on Avenue d'Italie (now Avenue Charles de Gaulle) and established a workshop in the medina where he worked with local artisans in stucco, stone, and tile work. other examples of his work can be found in France and Morocco. He worked tirelessly to promote the conservation of traditional architecture, and published numerous works on the subject, including Description des antiquités de la Regence de Tunis (1886-1893)Histoire de l'art musulman: L'Architecture (1907), and Tunis et Kairouan, les villes d'art célèbres (1908). 


Bacha, Myriam. "Henri Saladin (1851-1923). Un Architecte « Beaux-Arts » Promoteur De L’art Islamique Tunisien." Institut National D'histoire De L'Art: Actes De Colloques Et Livres En Ligne. Accessed October 15, 2015. http://inha.revues.org/4916?lang=en.

Krynicki, Annie Krieger. "Henri Jules Saladin." Mémoire d'Afrique du nord. Accessed October 15, 2015. http://www.memoireafriquedunord.net/biog/biog18_Saladin.htm.

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Henri Jules Saladin