Bagh-e Babur Restoration - <p>The Old City of Kabul has many cemeteries and clusters of graves grouped around shrines, in domestic courtyards, private gardens, or on wasteland. As pressure on land grows, and uncontrolled development takes its toll on the surviving historic fabric, these graves are increasingly vulnerable to removal, vandalism and encroachment.</p><p><br></p><p>The aim of this publication is to document part of this endangered heritage by making available descriptions of 11 graves in royal garden enclosures of Bagh-e Babur and the Timur Shah Mausoleum and 25 graves in private burial plots to the south-east of Bagh-e Qazi towards the shrine of Asheqan wa Arefan. These graves not only represent an important part of the family and communal memory and identity of the erstwhile and current resident community, but also have a wider significance in the history of modern Afghanistan.</p><p><br></p><p>Source: Introduction</p>
Kabul Elite Burials: A Wounded Heritage

The Old City of Kabul has many cemeteries and clusters of graves grouped around shrines, in domestic courtyards, private gardens, or on wasteland. As pressure on land grows, and uncontrolled development takes its toll on the surviving historic fabric, these graves are increasingly vulnerable to removal, vandalism and encroachment.

The aim of this publication is to document part of this endangered heritage by making available descriptions of 11 graves in royal garden enclosures of Bagh-e Babur and the Timur Shah Mausoleum and 25 graves in private burial plots to the south-east of Bagh-e Qazi towards the shrine of Asheqan wa Arefan. These graves not only represent an important part of the family and communal memory and identity of the erstwhile and current resident community, but also have a wider significance in the history of modern Afghanistan.

Source: Introduction


Hussein, Khadem and Bruce Wannell. Kabul Elite Burials: A Wounded Heritage, Kabul: Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2013.

Associated Sites

Aga Khan Trust for Culture

73 pages