BRAC University, Department of Architecture
Commenced in 2002
BRAC University, Department of Architecture, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2012. It started its journey in spring 2002 with 15 students and 3 members of the faculty. However, over the years, it has grown and now has 230 students and 16 full-time well-qualified members of the faculty. The department offers a 203 credits undergraduate degree in architecture, and by now it has produced 83 graduates through its 5-year degree program.

The objective of the department is to ensure high quality education. The size of the student intake is limited to 25-30. The admission process is based on competition. Within the short span of time, the department has earned a reputation for high quality architectural education with the help of teachers of exceptional academic and professional background. The design studios, the vital part of the curriculum are taught by 2 to 3 teachers. 

BRAC University website
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