Agence pour le Développement de la Vallée du Bouregreg
2005 foundation
Bouregreg Valley Renewal Agency is a public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy, and under the supervision of the state. The Agency was established by Dahir No. 1-05-70 of 23 November 2005.
The Agency’s missions include:
• The development of all technical studies or economic and financial general plans, related to the development of the Bouregreg Valley
• Contribution to the research and the mobilization of necessary funding for the implementation of the Bouregreg Valley development program simultaneously with budgetary funding.
• The development of a special management plan and its approval by the competent authorities in accordance with the law 16-04.
• The granting, in accordance with the law 16-04, of subdividing, fragmenting and creating groups of dwellings, building and living permits and conformity certificates.
• The collection and dissemination of all information concerning the development of the Bouregreg Valley, and promotion of residential, commercial and leisure areas inside the perimeter of the planning area.
• The completion of the necessary work for the urbanization of the area
• The monitors compliance with town planning laws and regulations

Furthermore, the Agency could be responsible for ensuring, on behalf of the State or the local authorities concerned, the project management and project management of infrastructure and public works inside the planning area.


“Missions – Bouregreg Valley Renewal Agency.” Bouregreg Valley Renewal Agency. Accessed October 31, 2019o., Archived at

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Variant Names
Bouregreg Valley Development Agenc