Administrative Core Project of the Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, Cyprus

In Famagusta, a walled city with unique Gothic monuments suffering from disordered modern development, the Administrative Core is located centrally on campus. It differentiates itself, firstly, by standing on an artificial terrace that brings an aesthetic and functional solution to the sloping topography, enabling direct access to different levels and bringing natural light to the lower and, secondly, by the clear discipline of its architecture. Public spaces penetrate the articulated blocks by arcaded passages allowing daily and informal activities. Colours and materials are traditionally Mediterranean and the vaulted roofs recall 1960s modernist buildings. The transparency of the passages creates a desirable contrast between massive functional blocks and public semi-open spaces.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture

Famagusta, Cyprus
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Completed 2014
8,650 m²
Building Usages