The Hasan Muhammad Chishti Masjid is located to the northwest of
the historic city center of Ahmedabad in the neighborhood of Shahpur. It’s namesake is Qutb al-Awliya’ Shaykh Hasan Muhammad Chishti, a
spiritual leader of the Sufi Chishtiyya order of local standing. An inscription
over the mihrab dates the building to 1565-1566/973 AH.
The mosque is rectangular in form, closed on three sides and
open on its east side to a court adjoining the building. The eight pillars that support the façade are spanned by nine arches. A second story, open to the outside, rises above the central five arches of the facade. On either end of the façade are large, ornate buttresses
that were presumably intended to be the bases of minarets that were never built
above the level of the first story.
The interior is a
pillared prayer hall with a large dome elevated above the center of the room.
This dome is supported on twelve pillars. One aisle separates the domed bay
from the qibla wall and the front of the hall, and to either side of the dome
are three aisles between it and the side walls.
Burgess, James. The Muhammadan Architecture of Ahmadabad. Part II, 44. Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. 8. London: W. Griggs and Sons, 1905.