Maydan-i Fayz
Kashan, Iran

Maydan-i Fayz is a modern public square located at the intersection of three arterial roads in the historic center of Kashan, Iran. The square takes the form of a circular roundabout with a large island in the center planted with trees and furnished with a water fountain. Shops line the roundabout. Khiyaban-i Ustaz-i Riza-i Abbasi enters from the east, and Khiyaban-i Mir 'Imad enters from the north, just after its intersection with Khiyaban-i Bab al-Hawa'ij. On the southern side of the roundabout, a pedestrian step-street leads up to the main entrance of the Mir 'Imad Mosque, also known as Masjid-i Maydan after the square.

Maydan-i Fayz stands on the site of an older public square constructed during the fifteenth/ninth century AH that was known as Maydan-i Sang. The original square was surrounded by a number of public buildings, including a caravanserai, mosque, madrasa, and clock tower, and must have been a grand assemblage. This square was intersected by a bazaar street near its southern end. Only the mosque, mentioned above, and the bazaar street remain today.


Golombek, Lisa, and Donald Wilber. The Timurid Architecture of Iran and Turan, 1: 390. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Record updates:

  • August 9, 2018 (AKDC Staff): record created. Date is imprecise.


Kashan, Iran

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Associated Names


20th/14th c. AH

Additional Names

ميدان فيض
Maidan-i Fayz
Alternate transliteration

Site Types

open/public space