Main Palace, Alcazaba of Almería (MEGT)
Almería, Spain
According to al-Udri’s account, the taifa king al-Mu’tasim built a palace in the Alcazaba, for which a canal and a well provided water. It had a great reception hall to the north and, to the south, a wide orchard in which were cultivated fruits of outstanding quality. In the twelfth century, the palace and the garden were reorganized first by the Almohads, who added a mirador room inside a tower to the north, and subsequently, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, by the Nasrids.
The Alcazaba of Almería was heavily damaged by a series of earthquakes in 1495, 1522, and 1550.
Sources: Court Chronicle, 11th century | Archaeological Analysis, 20th century

-Antonio Almagro, Luis Ramón-Laca


El área palatina: evolución arquitectónica (Open in Zotero)

Islamische Wohnburgen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel: Neue Ergebnisse einer Bauaufnahme in Almería (Open in Zotero)

Los palacios del taifa almeriense al-Mu’tasim (Open in Zotero)

Originally published at: Almagro, Antonio, and Luis Ramón-Laca. “Main Palace, Alcazaba of Almería.” Middle East Garden Traditions. Dumbarton Oaks, November 18, 2014. Archived at:

2 Parque Ramon Castilla, Almería, Spain
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Dates of attested life: 1066- 15th century
Date of entry of information: April 2007
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Main Palace, Alcazaba of Almería
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