Ross Langdon and Studio FH Architects
Mannya, Uganda

Named after its initial architect – killed in Nairobi’s Westgate attacks – this village hall is intended primarily for health education in a high-HIV/AIDS area, while also serving for community gatherings. Its structure of eucalyptus poles braced by partially perforated brick walls celebrates indigenous craftsmanship through sustainably sourced local materials, a kiln-like roof shape and a ceiling of ‘Mukeka’ reed matting. Built-in claytile seating accommodates about 150 people. The brickwork perforations offer both cross-ventilation and filtered light, and reduce in number towards the centre, to avoid backlight behind the speaker’s platform. Further light enters through gaps between walls and roof, and ‘Litres of Light’ – waterand- bleach-filled plastic bottles penetrating the roof.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture

Mannya, Uganda
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Completed 2015
260 m²
Building Usages