Anjung Salihara
Jakarta, Indonesia

Part of an art compound, Anjung Salihara is a five-storey building containing dance and music studios, bedrooms, multifunction room, gym, storage and an open-air stage. The design reinterprets the possibilities for medium-height tropical buildings. When building permission was unexpectedly only accorded for two-fifths of the site, the architect maximised space for the required programme by "borrowing" adjacent land for semi-outdoor stairways. Leftover land is greened open space. The façade facing the compound is semi-open, while that overlooking the neighbourhood features wood-framed windows echoing those of surrounding houses, and louvres for air circulation. Only 30% of the spaces are air-conditioned. The structure is built mostly with reinforced concrete, reclaimed wood and steel. Acoustic protection uses waste from the native wood industry. 

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture

Jakarta, Indonesia
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Completed 2013
1,470 m²
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