BaDuan Brigade Residential Quarter
Urumqi, China
Members of the families belonging to the brigade built and planned their residential units following their own requirements while observing the directives given by local government representatives, which included: respect for environment, limitation of energy consumption, use of local material, satisfaction of daily needs, consideration of future expansion of project.

Each family had been alocated plots of various size according to the production teams to which they belong. The general layout of the residential settlements of the one-storey buildings is south-oriented with a courtyard usually covered with a grape treillis. The ensemble has strong rural connotations. The materials used were mainly mud bricks made in-situ. The insulation od external walls is obtained with a mixture of mud and wheat straw. The façade renders are made with white lime mixed with water.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture
Urumqi, China
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