Habitat and Livelihoods for Rural Poor
Various locations, India

Housing project developed by a local non-governmental organization in one of India's least developed regions. The habitat and livelihood programme focuses on research, development and dissemination of energy efficient and cost effective building materials. Artisans are trained to make compressed earth blocks, micro concrete roofing, ferro-cement roofing, and prefabricated reinforced concrete cement planks and joists. More than 300 enterprises produce up to 60,000 square metres of durable roofing per year, creating local employment.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture

See also:

Official Website of Development Alternatives Group. http://www.devalt.org/. [Accessed January 16, 2007]

"Technology Systems E-Brochures." Development Alternatives Group Website. http://www.devalt.org/da/tsb/ebroch.htm. [Accessed January 23, 2007]

"TARAgram (The Technology Village)." Official Website of Development Alternatives Group. http://devalt.org/da/field/taragram.htm. [Accessed January 16, 2007]


Various locations, India

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Associated Names



Additional Names

Asha Reconstruction Project)
Ashraya Reconstruction Project

Site Types

urban design and development
urban design and development