Hatice Almis Health Centre
Manisa, Türkiye
This public health centre - which serves primarily as a children's clinic - was commissioned by a private company as a donation to the Turkish Ministry of Health. Working within a restricted budget, the architect has attempted to give the building a distinctive character based on 'ambiguity and contradiction', as evidenced, for example, in the dual nature of the facades (open/closed) and main hallway (corridor/internal curving street). For the sake of economy and speed of construction, just five materials were used: reinforced concrete, roughcast cement, ceramic tiles (for the floors) and aluminium/glass (for the windows).

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture
Manisa, Türkiye
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Ground floor area: 315 m²; combined floor area: 630 m²; total site area: 1,508 m²
Building Usages
health care