Memorial to the Karachai Victims of Deportation
Karachayevsk, Russian Federation

The memorial commemorates both a tragedy - the forced deportation of the Karachai people under Stalin's regime - and a triumph, their return to their native lands. At its centre is a 12-metre-high octagon symbolising the 'inner strength' of the people. Inside the octagon is a large cube of red granite representing the fire in the home hearth. Running through the hearth is a line of black granite representing the black days of deportation: one side bears an inscription (of the 69'267 people who were deported, 43'247 perished); the other side is carved with the Karachai symbol for the universe.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Karachayevsk, Russian Federation

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Ground floor area: 4,475 m²; combined floor area: 4,475 m²; total site area: 4,475 m²

Site Types

public monuments