Madrasa Sidi Abu Madyan
Tlemcen, Algeria

Eight years after the building of the mosque, the madrasa was built alongside the southern wall of the qubba's antechamber and the western wall of the mosque's prayer hall.  It is accessed through a monumental door inlaid with ceramic mosaic tile.  Like the mosque and qubba, there is a courtyard, with rooms for students and pilgrims surrounding it on two sides.  Founded by the Sutan, admission to it was at the discretion of the head of state, and the administration drew many of its highest officials from it's ranks.  Ibn Khaldun is among the well known scholars who taught there.  It is built on the highest point of the hill. 


Ali Lafer "'Ubbad (mosque, madrasa and tomb of Abu Madyan or Sidi Bumadyan)" in Discover Islamic Art. Place: Museum With No Frontiers. Accessed June 24, 2014.;ISL;dz;Mon01;7;en

Bourouiba, Rachid, and Rachid Dokali. Les mosquées en Algérie. Alger: Le Ministère de l'Information et de la Culture: diffusion, SNED, 1974.

Marçais, W., and Georges Marçais. Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. ouvrage publié sous les auspices du Gouvernement général de l'Algérie. Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1903.

Qantara. Patrimoine méditerranéen. "Mosquée et mausolée d’al-'Ubbâd." Accessed June 25, 2014.

Ross, Eric, academic.  "The zâwiya of Sidi Boumédiène in ‘Ubbâd, Algeria." March 15, 2011. Accessed June 25, 2014. Accessed June 26,2014. 

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.  Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.  Sidi Bou Mediène (Sidi bu-Medina). Nomination to the World Heritage List. Submitted by Algeria. December 31, 1981.  Original in French.


Rue Ibn Khaldoun , Tlemcen, Algeria

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Associated Names

Part of Site


1346/747 AH

Style Periods



courtyard: 13.20 x 15.75 m

Additional Names

Madrasah of Sidi Bu-Medina
Alternate transliteration
Médersa El Eubbâd

Site Types


