Qus in Islamic History

.حجاجي، محمد عبده. قوص في التاريخ اﻹسلامي. القاهرة: الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، ١٩٨٢، ٣٦٣ص

Hajjaji, Muhammad ʻAbduh. Qus fi al-Tarikh al-Islami. Cairo: Al-Hay’ah al-Misriyyah al-‘Ammah lil-Kitab, 1982, 363pp.


Qus in Islamic History

قوص في التاريخ اﻹسلامي

The book is divided into six chapters in which the author focuses on the geographical centrality of Qus as the capital of Upper Egypt. It gives an overview of the administrative division of the city in the Islamic period and its Arab tribes since the Arab conquest until the end of the Ayyubid period. It also addresses the city's geographical location and description. However, the author tends in this section to employ a propaganda-like method that is somewhat distant from academic rigour. The book then moves to address the community of Qus, its foreign minorities and markets, offering a quick analysis of the city’s social history. In the last two chapters the author lists the most notable scholarly movements and enumerates the city’s Islamic architecture calling for researchers to identify and study the city’s monuments. 

One of the book’s important features is that in discussing the regions in Qus during the Mamluk period, the author gives justifications for the choice of his sources rather than merely listing them. However, the author’s confidence in a particular source made him rely heavily on it and the result is the usage of one source over many pages which in some instances makes the content appear a bit thin.

The study remains useful in linking the history of migrations to and from Qus, starting from the Arab conquest until the reign of the Mamluks, with the political history and tribal and ethnic diversity in the city. Overall, the book can be classified as an uncritical general introduction of this Eastern city, which enables researchers to infer some sources. In addition, they will benefit from the quick illustration of the state of women and religious minorities such as Christians and Shiites in Qus. 

Mustafa Abulhimal


Abulhimal, Mustafa. “English abstract of 'Qus in Islamic History'". Translated by Mustafa Abulhimal. In Cities as Built and Lived Environments: Scholarship from Muslim Contexts, 1875 to 2011, by Aptin Khanbaghi, 110. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.




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