Tomb Garden of Emperor Jahangir (MEGT)
Lahore, Pakistan
Jahangir’s tomb lies in the middle of Bāgh-i Dilkusha, a garden previously laid out by his wife, the empress Nur Jahan (r. 1627–1658) right on the bank of Ravi. (Mutamad Khan, “Iqbal Nama-e-Jahangiri,” in History of India, ed. Elliot, 6:436)
The tomb was constructed on orders of Shah Jahan after his father's death in Kashmir in 1627. It took ten years to complete. The tomb is entered through a lofty gateway set in the middle of the Akbari sarai’s eastern wall. The walled enclosure, measuring six hundred gaz square (almost 550 yards square), is divided into four chahārbāghs. Walkways and water channels 20 gaz wide follow these subdivisions in symmetrical pattern. Water for the garden was supplied by eight large wells outside the enclosure wall. Currently, massive restoration work is underway.

-Abdul Rehman, Munazzah Akhtar


The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period (Open in Zotero)

Originally published at: Rehman, Abdul, and Munazzah Akhtar. “Tomb Garden of Emperor Jahangir.” Middle East Garden Traditions. Dumbarton Oaks, November 18, 2014. Archived at:

Lahore, Pakistan
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Date of entry of information: April 2007
Century/Date of creation:1627
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Tomb Garden of Emperor Jahangir
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