Evliya Çelebi describes this as follows: Caferâbâd Tekkesi is the oldest and the largest tekke in Istanbul. It was built on a high location and is adorned with variety of trees, many courtyards, and sofas. The beautiful scripts and paintings on the its walls cannot be described. It is a nazargah, a place for resting, visiting, and strolling.
Source: Travel Account, 17th century
-Nurhan Atasoy, Seyit Ali Kahraman
Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi: Topkapı Sarayı Bağdat 304 Yazmasının transkripsiyonu (Open in Zotero)
Originally published at: Atasoy, Nurhan, and Seyit Ali Kahraman “Caferâbâd Tekkesi.” Middle East Gardens Traditions. Dumbarton Oaks, December 1, 2014. https://www.doaks.org/resources/middle-east-garden-traditions/catalogue/C98. Archived at: https://perma.cc/5UDZ-R9BM.